The families of the victims speak out.

We are deeply sad that we report on the tragic events that occurred at the Kanjuruhan stadium in Malang, East Java, in the evening of Saturday. A large number of people were killed in a panicked, chaotic stampede when police shot tear gas in an attempt to quell a pitch invasion by fans of the team from home, Arema FC. Our prayers and thoughts go out to the families and friends of those who lost their lives as a result of this horrific incident. Sincere condolences to the families of those who lost their lives and to those injured.

1. Why did the crowd be in a state of panic and rush the stadium?

The fans were panicked and started to stampede at the stadium because of the insufficient security as well as the high volume of people in the venue. The stampede was fatal to 125 as well as injured many more. Police in Indonesia have opened an investigation into the incident for the purpose of identifying the perpetrators.

2. How many were murdered in the stampede?

A minimum of 125 people were killed as well as scores of others wounded in the stampede that took place at Jakarta’s nightclub. The incident occurred at around 9:30 am on Sunday. The tragedy occurred as crowds were celebrating the ending of Ramadan, the Muslim Holy month Ramadan. The incident was probed as a crime police from the Indonesian police. It is not yet clear who or what caused the incident. However, police are looking into all possible avenues. The incident occurred at the notoriously crowded Exit nightclub located in that North Jakarta district of Kelapa Gading.

3. Was the total number of people who were hurt?

The story in the news “Find the Perpetrators” states that 3 suffered injuries by the Stampede deaths. This is a tragedy that took place and it’s crucial to bring those who were responsible to justice. The Indonesian police need to locate and prosecute the perpetrators of this stampede.

A Short Summary

The Indonesian government has urged police forces in the country to investigate and penalize those who were responsible for the deadly stampede of soccer that caused the deaths of 125.


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